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Intensive Therapy


What is Intensive Therapy?


Intensive blocks of physiotherapy are utilised to give bursts of therapeutic intervention within a short time frame to best optimise a child’s gain. High repetitions of exercises over a short period time works on the principles of neuroplasticity. An intensive block may involve 1-2 hours of physiotherapy a day, for 1-3 consecutive

The size of the intensive block is determined by a child’s age, function, and tolerance to therapy. Each intensive focuses on a specific goal for your child, determined on day 1 in discussion with the parents, child, and therapist. For example, this may be independent sitting, increased walking endurance, or improved swimming patterning.






What interventions are used during an intensive block of physiotherapy?


  • CME / DMI


  • Spider Cage Therapy 


  • Treadmill training / Gait re-education 


  • Electrical Muscle Stimulation (EMS) 


  • EMG Biofeedback 


  • Application of garments for alignment and proprioception (SPIO and Theratogs)


  • Resistance Training


































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